I reckon that scene where Sheriff Brody finds the girl in the boat hiding, should have gone like this....
Sheriff Brody gets onto boat: "Wow. What's that smell?"
Brody's wife: "Yeah, that stinks. Smells like fish chum"
Sheriff Brody finds girl under edge of boat.
Sheriff Brody: "Jesus girl, you look and smell terrible. What happened?"
Girl: "Ssshh..ssshhh...sssshhhhhhh..SSSSSHHHHHAAAAAARRRRRRRRTTTTTTTT!!!!!!"
Sheriff Brody: "Well, there it is. Shart. She's crapped herself. No wonder her boyfriend jumped over the side of the boat. I'd rather be eaten by a giant shark than sit through another hour of that smell"
Comic genius old NP. Comic genius.
And the worst beard in a horror movie goes to the helicopter pilot. What were you thinking? I'm glad he gets eaten. Dickhead.
Pretty good movie though.
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