"Hey rat! I'm talking to you - want a piece of me? Hey you little shit - Fuck off!!!"
And the rest of the movie?
Fuck all Gary Busey.
Unless you count his vaguely coherent voice-overs delivering half-baked (pun!) one liners such as:
"Ever try a ladies finger?"
"Say goodnight cream puff"
"Now you know what it feels like to fry bitch"
C'mon Full Moon, this should be a goldmine for memorable one-liners.
Compare this sour and bleak Gingerdead Man to male-lead Full Moon classics like Doll Man and Future Cop. Tim Tomerson may be the poor man's Tom Atkins but he can play the shit out of a three-inch time traveling womanizer.
Even the sub-par Troll managed to deliver Julia Lous-Dreyfus in a moss-bikini.
I'm disappointed... perhaps my standards are too high.
Charles Band probably deserves some credit for attempting new franchise here, the problem is the formula is exactly the same as in his other new offerings in atrocious Evil Bong films:
1) Add one part cult figure with a history of poor business decisions, questionable taste and decent "crazy face" abilities (a little Tommy Chong there, a little Gary Busey here).
2) Pour contents into a single set piece, scatter with several actors that border on porn-star inability to deliver dialogue and two parts nauseating circus music.
3) Spend entire budget on three latex hand puppets.
4) Mix well and serve.
It's worth mentioning that in the case of Evil Bong there was a special final ingredient:
5) Tommy Chong playing with a Hot Wheels car set on the bare breasts of a half dozen strippers.
Which is unfortunate. Because Gingerdead Man is easily the better of the two, and it would have lifted considerably with the addition of some bare breasted strippers.